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Home Banking Banque Misr signs a cooperation protocol with the General Authority for Health Care to provide financial services

Banque Misr signs a cooperation protocol with the General Authority for Health Care to provide financial services

by Ahmed Hassaan

Based on Banque Misr’s pioneering role in the field of electronic payments, Banque Misr recently signed a cooperation protocol with the General Authority for Health Care to provide financial services. The protocol was signed by Mr. Mohamed Al-Etreby – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr with Mr. Dr. Ahmed El-Sobky – Chairman The Board of Directors of the General Authority for Health Care and the General Supervisor of the Decent Life and Comprehensive Health Insurance projects for the health field, in the presence of Mr. Hossam El-Din Abdel Wahab – Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr, Dr. Hani Rashed, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Health Care, and a distinguished group of people. From the leaders of the bank and the authority, the protocol aims to improve the digital payments system for the services of the Public Authority for Health Care. The protocol includes defining the rules, terms and conditions that regulate the mechanism for providing electronic payment and collection services, with the aim of facilitating financial operations for beneficiaries.
This protocol allows the salaries of employees in all medical and administrative facilities affiliated with the Authority to be transferred through the Banque Misr salary system. POS machines are also provided to collect the Authority’s dues via various bank cards in the Authority’s medical and administrative facilities by providing payment machines automatically connected to the electronic payment and collection center to collect dues. The Authority and the implementation of the comprehensive health insurance system within the hospitals, units and medical centers affiliated with the Authority. Under the protocol, ATM machines will also be provided in the Authority’s current and future medical and administrative facilities, while banking units will be opened within the Authority’s medical and administrative facilities in accordance with the bank’s expansion plan.
Mr. Mohamed Al-Etreby – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr, stated, “The signing of this protocol is a reinforcement of the bank’s plan to strengthen its network of branches and ATMs, which are spread throughout all governorates of the Republic and amount to more than 5,700 machines.” An automated teller machine, it is also considered a continuation of the bank’s successes in the field of electronic commerce, as the Bank of Egypt achieved distinguished growth rates during the year 2023 amounting to 95% of the total values ​​of the electronic payment acceptance portfolio (points of sale by 53% and websites by 300%) with a total number of 640 thousand points of sale. And more than 6 thousand websites.
Mr. Muhammad Al-Etrebi pointed out that the bank seeks to expand the provision of digital services through various electronic channels, in line with the state’s policy to spread the culture of financial inclusion, activate electronic payment and collection services, and gradually shift towards a cashless society, with the aim of supporting growth and enabling more segments of society to obtain On appropriate financial solutions to support and enhance financial inclusion efforts.
.Mr. Mohamed Al-Etreby emphasized Banque Misr’s constant keenness to enter into partnerships and initiatives that would provide services that encourage the use of various electronic payment options, which Banque Misr provides to its customers to meet their various needs, as the bank believes that enhancing financial inclusion efforts and transformation towards society Cashlessness requires the combined efforts of various partners and the provision of incentives that ensure users’ preference to enter the electronic payment system.
Dr. Ahmed El-Sobki, Chairman of the General Authority for Health Care and General Supervisor of the Comprehensive Health Insurance and Decent Life projects at the Ministry of Health and Population, stressed his happiness with the cooperation with Banque Misr, noting that this cooperation represents an important step towards achieving integration between health and banking services and supporting medical investment. He added: “Bank of Egypt is one of the most important national banks leading in banking services and social responsibility, and we are confident that our partnership will contribute to providing all banking products with international standards for workers, patients and their families, and all those who frequent health facilities affiliated with the Health Care Authority in the governorates of comprehensive insurance.”
Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki added that this cooperation enhances financial inclusion and improves access to financial services, as workers, patients, and their families can easily access various banking services, which contributes to achieving financial stability and improving the quality of life. It also increases efficiency and transparency, as the use of banking systems Electronic payment and collection enhances the efficiency of financial operations by recording and documenting all operations electronically.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki pointed out that these systems save time and effort, as they allow financial transactions to be carried out quickly and easily, which reduces the need for physical travel to banks or payment offices. He stressed that supporting the national economy through financial inclusion enhances economic growth and also contributes to Financial inclusion in achieving many sustainable development goals.
Banque Misr always seeks to provide electronic solutions to make it easier for customers, as the bank strives to localize advanced technological services in its various transactions to ensure keeping pace with global development. The bank also seeks to provide services that suit the needs of all customer segments, as the values ​​and strategies of its work reflect its permanent commitment to development. Sustainable and prosperous Egypt

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