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Home technology “Ministers”: Proposing to contract with an international consultant to develop a strategy for the localization of the electronic chip and semiconductor industry

“Ministers”: Proposing to contract with an international consultant to develop a strategy for the localization of the electronic chip and semiconductor industry

by Ahmed Hassaan

During its meeting today, headed by Prime Minister Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Council of Ministers proposed contracting with an international consultant to develop a strategy for the localization of the electronic chip and semiconductor industry. 

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, chaired a meeting today; To follow up on efforts to localize the electronic chip and semiconductor industry, in the presence of Dr. Mohamed Shaker, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Engineer/ Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and Engineer/ Mohamed Salah El-Din, Minister of State for Production. Al-Harbi, Major General Engineer Mukhtar Abdel Latif, Chairman of the Arab Organization for Industrialization, Engineer Alaa El-Din Khashab, Deputy Minister of Petroleum for Mineral Resources Affairs, Mr. Hossam Haiba, CEO of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, Dr. Nahed Youssef, Chairman of the Industrial Development Authority, and Mrs. / Sherine Al-Sharqawi, Assistant Minister of Finance, Dr. Diaa Abdel Majeed, Director of the Innovators and Geniuses Fund, and a number of officials from ministries and concerned authorities.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Prime Minister pointed out the importance of maximizing the added value of Egypt’s mineral resources, which comes in implementation of the directives of His Excellency Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, in this regard, to establish industries that depend on these resources. , such as the manufacture of electronic chips and semiconductors, in an effort to support the Egyptian economy and achieve sustainable development goals, and to enhance the opportunities for global competition in this field.

The Prime Minister noted the integrated studies being prepared that include maximizing the use of Egypt’s capabilities of white and black sand ore, as well as enhancing manufacturing capabilities in this field, in an effort to localize the industries for electronic chips and semiconductors, given the increasing demand these industries are witnessing during this period. period, and in the future.Counselor Mohamed Al-Homsani, the official spokesman for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, stated that during the meeting, a report was reviewed that included a summary of the work carried out by the Technical Secretariat of the Special Committee for the Localization of the Electronic Chip Industry during the last period within the framework of the state’s efforts to maximize the added value of Egyptian mineral resources, and work to localize The manufacture of electronic chips and solar cells in Egypt, where reference was made in this regard to the meetings and encounters that were held with major companies working in this field, to discuss and review many points that support the efforts of the state towards the localization of such important industries, whether related to programs Specialized training and preparation of human cadres, or anything related to providing more facilities and incentives to attract more investments in these vital industries.
The official spokesman added: The meeting touched on the proposed roadmap to localize the manufacturing of electronic chips, and what it includes contracting with a global consultant to develop a vision and strategy for localizing the manufacturing of electronic chips and solar cells, and the continuation of efforts to train human cadres in the field of electronics, in integration with efforts to attract investments for these industries.
In this regard, the official spokesman indicated that during the meeting it was agreed to begin the tender procedures to select a global consultant, and to assign the Ministries of Finance and Planning and Economic Development to place the required financial allocations in the general budget for the next fiscal year.

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