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Home Banking Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of Banque Misr, on Forbes’ list of the most powerful CEOs in the Middle East in 2024

Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of Banque Misr, on Forbes’ list of the most powerful CEOs in the Middle East in 2024

by Ahmed Hassaan

Forbes Middle East magazine has selected Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of Banque Misr, on the list of the 100 most powerful CEOs in the Middle East for 2024, as Forbes Middle East announced its annual list of “The Most Powerful CEOs in the Middle East 2024” in its fourth edition, to highlight 100 business leaders who head the largest and most influential institutions in the region for their distinguished contributions to the success of their institutions. The evaluations for winning all winners are based on a set of specialized criteria related to the performance and strategy adopted by the institutions, as Forbes Middle East selects the winners based on the evaluation of an elite group of experts in various fields, and these awards are a certificate of confidence for the best performance and business model.
Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby was selected based on the growth achieved by Banque Misr, the size of revenues, assets and market value, the bank’s impact on society and the state, in addition to his achievements as CEO and his experience in his current position, his general experience, personal achievements and the initiatives he implemented. Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby is a prominent banking figure with distinguished experience in the banking field for more than 40 years. Since his selection as Chairman of Banque Misr in January 2015, he has succeeded in repositioning the bank as a leading financial group, benefiting from his long experience in the banking field. Under his leadership, Banque Misr has grown to serve more than 17 million customers. He has also succeeded in modernizing the infrastructure of Banque Misr’s products and services, and leading the bank to pioneer digital banking services. He currently holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Arab Banks and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federation of Egyptian Banks. It is worth noting that Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby – Chairman of Banque Misr has won many honorary awards due to his prominent role in serving the Egyptian economy, including; Honoring Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr by the International Union of Arab Bankers within the framework of the activities of the Banking Excellence and Achievement Awards Ceremony for the year 2023, and the “Pride of Arabs” Award for the years 2020 and 2021 – the category of distinguished banking leadership, which is granted to the most influential figures in the economy and comprehensive development. The General Secretariat of the “Best Arabs” Award also chose Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr, among the list of the best hundred Arab CEOs for the years 2017, 2018 and 2020. Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby received the BT 100 Award for the most influential figures in the Egyptian economy for the year 2019 for the third year in a row from Business Today magazine. Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr, also received the Best Banker Award for the year 2018 from the British magazine The European, and the Best Leadership Personality for the year 2021 and 2020 in Asia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries from Asia One magazine. Bank Misr, led by Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby, has received many awards and advanced positions in 2024 from major international institutions in appreciation and recognition of its achievements and efforts in various business sectors. The bank’s receipt of these awards is a certificate of merit for the trust of its customers, which is always the focus of its attention, as they are partners in success in all businesses. The bank always seeks to enhance the excellence of its services, maintain its long-term success, and participate effectively in services that meet the needs of its customers, as the bank’s values and work strategies always reflect the bank’s commitment to sustainable development and prosperity for Egypt.

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